Restorative Treatment


The study of diseases and injuries to the pulp and the tissues surrounding teeth is the subject of the dental specialty known as endodontics.

nice smile after endodontics

What Are Endodontics?

Endodontics is a branch of dentistry that focuses on the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of diseases and injuries to the pulp, and the tissues surrounding the teeth. Endodontics, commonly known as “root canal treatment,” is a procedure that removes infected or damaged pulp from inside a tooth and seals the space to protect against future infection. Root canal treatment is usually recommended when the tooth is infected, traumatized, or has deep cavities that cannot be treated with a simple filling. The treatment is usually performed using local anesthesia and can help save damaged teeth that require extraction. Root canal treatment has a high success rate and, can help restore the normal function and appearance of damaged teeth, improving oral health and overall wellness.

When Do I Need Endodontics Treatment

Endodontics is often necessary when the pulp (the soft tissue inside the tooth that contains nerves and blood vessels) is infected or inflamed due to infection, decay, or other factors. Some common causes of endodontic treatment include deep cavities, repeated dental procedures, cracks or chips in the teeth, and trauma. Endodontic treatment can usually be done in a single visit to our clinic in Richmond Hill and, can help preserve natural teeth and avoid the need for extractions. Your dentist can assess your needs and recommend the best procedure.

Result Of Endodontics

This procedure is usually performed when the pulp of a tooth becomes infected, inflamed, or dies as a result of infection or decay.
Similar to root canal treatment, endodontic treatment aims to remove diseased tissue, clean the area, and then fill and seal the tooth to stop the spread of infection.
Endodontic treatment aims to preserve the original tooth and avoid the need for extraction.
Endodontic procedures have a high chance of success, and with proper postoperative care, the majority of repaired teeth can live a lifetime.
Individual results can change, so it is essential to adhere to your dentist’s recommendations for regular maintenance to extend the life of treated teeth.